
88 intellectuals of the public field of Kazakhstan / Marat Shibutov

22.01.2018 12:03

Marat Shibutov

Author’s list of political and social scientists, historians, orientalists, and etc, who work in a public field and do applied research

While speaking of import substitution in Kazakh intellectual sphere (article Kazakhstan’s Think Tanks), avoiding mentioning public intellectuals who represent this sphere is impossible. These are people who do researches, write articles, reports and books, give comments on mass media and make recommendations for public administration and businesses. These people are not just scientists – researchers but also political subjects and political influencers. They are often confused with publicists, public figures and politicians as in Kazakhstan it is way easier to be called a political scientist than a politician.


Role of historians in public discourse in Kazakhstan is very big – people are focused on history and know very little of it at the same time. Now there is a phenomena “disappearing modern history” because many websites are constantly getting shut down and because of the lack of historical books of the 1990 -2000 period. Eventually, this period of time is explored way less than the middle ages. Nowadays historians are especially important specialists in Kazakhstan.

  1. Daniyar Ashimbayev – chief editor of Kazakh biography encyclopedia “Who is who in Kazakhstan”, he specializes on the modern history of Kazakhstan, on the newest history of Kazakhstan, at the same time he is a main expert in the decision-making system in the country and the leading elitologist. He now works on a new edition of   "Kazakhstan: the history of power".
  2. Radik Temirgaliyev is the most popular historian in Kazakhstan at the moment. He used to work at the Institute of Eurasian Integration, the Institute of the History of the State and the Aspandau Foundation. His books are the ones best-selling historical books in the country for many years.
  3. Zhaksylyk Sabitov is an associate professor of the EurasianNationalUniversity named after Lev Gumilev, PhD. He publishes in both peer-reviewed journals and in the mass - media. Unlike other historians, he actively uses the data of paleogenetics, he was engaged in the project of studying DNA - shezhire (shezhire is a genealogical bloodline among Kazakhs, knowing all their ancestors to the seventh generation - IA REGNUM).
  4. Sultan Akimbekov - candidate of historical sciences, orientalist, specializes on Afghanistan. Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Center of Asia" and a freelance adviser of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He used to be a Director of the Institute of the world economics and politics. He recently published his fundamental work "History of Kazakhstan".
  5. Berik Abdygaliuly - candidate of political science, head of the research center "Sacred Kazakhstan". Studies the history of the uprising of 1916, "Alash" movement, etc. He works both in scientific field and in the public service.
  6. Murat Laumulin - doctor of political science, professor, counselor-ambassador in the embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Belarus. The most famous and productive historiographer in Kazakhstan. His latest four-volume "History of Kazakhstan and Central Asia in World Orientalism" should become a reference book for anyone who studies history of Kazakhstan and whole region.


There are thousands of economists graduating universities of Kazakhstan every year and yet there are very few experts who constantly express their opinion about the economy of the country. In mass media political scientists used to be ones who speak up. Why did this happen this way? The thing is that the government was very sensitive to criticism of their economic policy. And one of the most considerable economists of the country Kanat Berentayev, was even informationally blocked in the mass media. Around two years ago a new wave of public economists appeared from the submission of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and they started a public discussion about the economy. However, the list below includes mostly those who used to express their opinion at the times when it was fraught with unpleasant consequences:

  1. Rakhman Alshanov is a doctor of economic sciences, professor, rector of TuranUniversity, a deputy of the Maslikhat (local representative body - IA REGNUM) of Alma-Ata, chairman of the Public Council of Alma-Ata , president of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of Kazakhstan.
  2. Shamil Dauranov is an independent economist, previously held various positions in public service and in business for a long time.
  3. Aidarkhan Kusainov is an economist, adviser to the chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. It’s quite interesting to watch how ideas from his book "The Economy of Kazakhstan: Myths and Reality" are now being implemented by the state. Since he is an economist-practitioner often his thoughts run counter to both theories and the views of the common citizens but at the end always turn out to be correct.
  4. Rakhim Oshakbayev is director of the TalapCenter for Applied Research, former deputy chairman of the board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and vice-minister investment and development department of Kazakhstan.
  5. Sholpan Aytenova is a co-founder and executive director of the non-profit organization Zertteu Research Institute, member of the National EITI Stakeholders Council, the Eurasian Union of National Evaluation Associations, co-founder of the National Budget Network of Kazakhstan (NSC). She specializes in budget policy.
  6. Asel Krykbayeva - director of the NGO "Center for Support of Legal and Economic Reforms",budget analysis, monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects expert, author of publications on the budget.
  7. Vyacheslav Dodonov - Doctor of Economics.
  8. Magbat Spanov - Doctor of Economics, Professor.
  9. Oleg Egorov is Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Economics of the Department of Education and Science of Kazakhstan (MES RK).
  10. Sergei Smirnov – economist, specializes in the oil and gas complex and the oil products market.
  11. Sergei Domnin - editor-in-chief of the business magazine “Expert Kazakhstan”.
  12. Yerlan Smailov - head of the analytical group "Club of Institution of Political Decisions", executive director of the "Kazakhstan Association FinTech".
  13. Olzhas Khudaibergenov - economist, a senior partner of CSI, works in various positions in the public sector and in business, specializes in finance and macroeconomics.
  14. Darmen Sadvokasov - senior partner of CSI, PhD, specializes in oil and gas sector and in macroeconomics.

Political scientists

Political scientists are the most famous part of the community of public intellectuals in Kazakhstan and the most diffuse, since the subjects of their research are very wide. In comparison with Russia there is a big problem with political technologists in Kazakhstan - they are not demanded because of small competition in the elections and a lack of political parties.

  1. Yerlan Karin - Ph.D. in Political Science, Chairman of the Board of JSC "RTRK" Kazakhstan ", Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kazakhstan Association of Political Sciences, Chairman of the Kazakhstan Council on Foreign Relations, specializes in national security, terrorism and domestic policy.
  2. Eduard Poletaev - head of the Public Foundation "World of Eurasia", specializes in domestic policy and Eurasian integration.
  3. Andrey Chebotarev - director of the center "Alternative", candidate of political science, specializes in political parties, history of political thought and domestic policy.
  4. Yuri Buluktaev - chief research officer of Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, doctor of political sciences, specializes in political parties.
  5. Madina Nurgalieva - candidate of political science, specializes in internal policy and social problems.
  6. Marian Abisheva – head of the International Scientific Projects Service of the Library of the First President of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, candidate of political science, specializes in internal policy and national security.
  7. Uralazev Selteev - leading expert of the Institute of World Politics and Economy.
  8. Maxim Kaznacheev is an independent political scientist, used to work at the Institute of Political Decisions, specializes in domestic politics and elite.
  9. Sultanbek Sultangaliyev - political scientist, one of the leading ideologists of the Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan
  10. Sergei Akimov - vice director of the center "Alternative".
  11. Anton Morozov -  candidate of political science, specializes in internal policy, information and communication technologies.
  12. Lesya Karataeva - Chief Researcher of Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, Doctor of Historical Sciences.
  13. Natalia Malyarchuk - senior advisor in Kesarev Consulting, specializing in decision making, elite and lobbying.
  14. Rustam Kadyrzhanov - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of ethnopolitical research sector of the department of political science of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  15. Gulnara Nasimova - head of the department of political science of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, doctor of political sciences, professor.


Throughout the years sociology in Kazakhstan has become mainly a female profession and leading sociologists in the country are mostly women. The specialists listed below work in the field of social and political research, although sometimes they carry out marketing researches:

  1. Bakhytzhamal Bekturganova - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists of the city of Alma-Ata (ASIP).
  2. Zarema Shaukenova - Director of Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.
  3. Gulmira Ileuova - head of the Public Foundation Center for Social and Political Research" Strategy ", candidate of sociological science.
  4. Botagoz Rakisheva - Candidate of Sociology, Director of the Research Institute "Public Opinion".
  5. Ayman Zhusupova - expert of the IMEP.
  6. Andrei Khan - chief expert of CSCI, former editor-in-chief of the magazine “Rules of the Game”.
  7. Aigul Sadvokasova - chairman of the Scientific and Expert Council of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, the director of the Center for the Study of Inter-Ethnic and Inter-Confessional Relationships of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Sociology.
  8. Julia Kuchinskaya - director of the Center for Political Analysis and Strategic Studies of the Nur Otan Party, candidate of sociological sciences.
  9. Botagoz Turekhanova - Director of the Department of Sociological Studies of the Institute of Eurasian Integration.
  10. Nuriddin Sultanmuratov - expert of the IMEP.
  11. Botagoz Shakeeva - expert of the IMEP.
  12. Olga Simakova - coordinator of the Public Foundation "Center for Social and Political Research" Strategy ", candidate of sociological sciences.
  13. Serik Beisembayev - head of the program for internal political and social studies of the IMEP.
  14. Saltanat Yermakhanova - head of the department of sociological research of the Center for Political Analysis and Strategic Studies of the party "Nur Otan", candidate of sociological sciences.
  15. Alua Zholdybalina - head of socio-political research department of Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies , Ph.D.
  16. Leonid Gurevich - Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, President of BISAM Central Asia.
  17. Alexander Ruzanov - president of the BRIF Research Group.

Specialists in International Relations



  1. Bulat Sultanov - doctor of historical sciences, professor, director of the Research Institute of International and Regional Cooperation at the Kazakh-German University, specializes in Kazakh-Russian relations.
  2. Rustam Burnashev - candidate of philosophical sciences, a professor at the Kazakh-German University, specializes in international security and Central Asia.
  3. Sanat Kushkumbaev - deputy director of Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, doctor of political sciences, specializes in Middle East.
  4. Irina Chernykh - chief research officer of Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, doctor of historical sciences, specializes in Central Asia.
  5. Timur Shaymergenov - Doctor of Political Sciences, Deputy Director of the Library of the First President, Head of the Analytical Center of the Library of the First President, specializes in international security.
  6. Svetlana Kozhirova - doctor of political science,  professor, specializes in China, cross-border cooperation and international security.
  7. Mara Gubaidullina - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Center for German Studies of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, specializes in Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union.
  8. Fatima Kukeeva - doctor of historical sciences, professor of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, specializes in the USA.
  9. Askar Nursha - coordinator of projects on foreign policy of the IMEP, specializes in Russian Federation.
  10. Daniyar Koznazarov - analyst of the Quality Assurance and Strategic Analysis Department at the Narkhoz University.
  11. Dinara Nurusheva - Senior Research Fellow at the Paper Lab.
  12. Kazbek Mayeldinov - expert at the Analytical Center of the Library of the First President, specializes in Central Asia.
  13. Aset Ordabayev - expert of the IMEP.
  14. Anna Gusarova - director of the Central Asian Institute for Strategic Studies (CACIS), specializes in international security and Central Asia.
  15. Iskander Akylbaev - executive director of the Kazakhstan Council on Foreign Relations.
  16. Karlygash Nugmanova –doctor of political sciences, professor, head of Associations of political research in Astana, leading expert of Center for Military-Strategic Studies , editor-in-chief of the magazine “Sardar”.
  17. Zhumabek Sarabekov is an expert of the IMEP.
  18. Anastasia Reshetnyak - research fellow of the foreign policy and international security department, specializes in terrorism and regional studies.


Oriental studies in Kazakhstan are connected with two institutes - the Uigur Studies Institute – that’s where the Sinologists come from and major Institute of Oriental Studies. It’s remarkable that Kazakh Sinologists are a very strong group of orientalists. This connects a role of China in Kazakhstan's politics and economy. But there are only a few of well-known orientalists in Kazakhstan:

  1. Klara Hafizova - doctor of historical sciences, professor, specializes is Sinology (especially on the history of the times of the Qing Dynasty).
  2. Konstantin Syroezhkin - chief research officer of Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, doctor of political sciences, professor, specializes in Sinology.
  3. Adil Kaukenov - director China Center, Chinese Law master, specializes in Sinology.
  4. Tatyana Kaukenova - deputy director in China Center, PhD, specializes in Sinology.
  5. Kalamkas Esimova - project manager of the Institute of Public Opinion, representative of Central Asia & Caucasus (Sweden), specializes in Sinology.
  6. Ruslan Isimov - expert of the International Turkic Academy, specializes in Sinology.
  7. Alexander Knyazev - doctor of historical sciences, specializes in Afghan studies.
  8. Elena Rudenko - candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Science committee of the Science and Education Department of Kazakhstan, specializes in Indology.


Demography in Kazakhstan is underdeveloped - after the death of Makash Tatimov, who for many years was the main public expert in this field there were very few new specialists. However, they are, although only two are known:

  1. Alexander Alekseenko  - doctor of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the AltaiTanu Research Center of the East Kazakhstan State University named after Amanzholov.
  2. Elena Sadovskaya - candidate of philosophical sciences, an expert of the Research Council on Migration of the CIS Countries at the Center for Migration Studies of the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Specializes in international migration.

Religious studies

Religious studies is a relatively new specialty in Kazakhstan but in reality obviously religions have been studied before.

  1. Anatoly Kosichenko - doctor of Philosophy, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  2. Alma Sultangaliyeva - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Adviser of the Director of the IMEP.
  3. Asylbek Izbairov - doctor of historical sciences, professor, specializes in religious extremism.
  4. Timur Kozyrev - expert of the International Turkic Academy.
  5. Erkin Baidarov - Candidate of Philosophy, leading researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Science committee of the Science and Education Department of Kazakhstan.

Military-strategic research

  1. Georgy Dubovtsev - chief research officer of Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies,  candidate of military science, formerly head of the Center of Military – Strategic Studies, Colonel.
  2. Rafik Tairov - vice-president of Center of Military – Strategic Studies, candidate of law, colonel.

And the last one - 88th is the author of this article - Marat Shibutov.

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